Hal Pictures Green Lantern Butt's FOREVER!: Final Crises: Rage of the Red Lanterns

Green Lantern Butt's FOREVER!

Now with Guy Gardner's Seal of Approval!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Final Crises: Rage of the Red Lanterns

By the Power of Greyskull...this was Great! I have to say that Shane Davis draws a fabulous Sinestro. And blood. There's a LOT of blood in this. There really isn't too much to do with Final Crises, except for a little footnote explaining that this takes place between numbers one and two of Final Crises, but what the heck, I'm here for Green Lantern goodness.

Atrocitus is mad as hell and he's not going to take it any more. He's going after the Guardians, he's going after the Sinestro Corps, he's going after anyone he damn well pleases, and he's been recruiting other people who are similarly pissed. He even has his own nice little oath, to make him feel all cranky.

"With Blood and Rage of Crimson Red...
Ripped from a Coprse so freshly Dead...
Together with our Hellish Hate...
We'll Burn you all...
That is your Fate!"

Meanwhile in lovely Coast City, Hal is hanging out with Jim and none other than Cowgirl, who can't understand why it is that more people don't just realize that Hal IS a Green Lantern, since he acts exactly the same when he's wearing that silly little mask, as when he's being a civilian. She does have a point. John rings him up to say that the Guardians have decided to execute Sinestro, and that they are secretly taking him to Korugar...presumably, to rub it in. Naturally, Hal has some mixed feelings about all of this. So he dumps Cowgirl, and flies off to talk to Carol about it all.

Oh Hal.

The Scarred Guardian is up to her usual shenanigans, sending Ash to find the corpse of the Anti-Monitor, he just happens to find the a piece of the armor in none other than Sector 666...which is where Atrocitus hangs out. As usual, the rest of the Guardians are completely clueless about what is going on. Presumably Ganthet would have had a grasp on what she is up to, but then he's not around, is he? Stupid Guardians!

Hal visits Sinestro in the Sciencells, and the two of them have a last heart-to-heart talk. Somehow, Sinestro always manages to have the last word around Hal.

And speaking of stupid, the Controllers show up briefly, merely illustrating the point that they may, if anything be even dumber than the Guardians. There is also a tiny hint of an Orange Lantern.

So, the Green Lanterns are busy secretly transporting Sinestro to his trial on Korugar, when they get ambused by...The Sinestro Corps! Oh WHO would have seen THAT coming? Naturally the GL's are surprised, but they naturally enough regain their balance and start fighting back. And then the ambushers receive a surprise of their own.

Green Lanterns
Awwwwww...!! Isn't he just the cutest little hate-filled Red Lantern that you ever did see? I don't know exactly what was done to piss of this kitten, but it must have been...interesting. Anyway, any number of red shirts...I mean random Green Lanterns and Yellow Lanterns are being killed very messily by the Red Lanterns, who seem to just vomit blood all over their prey, which disolves their auras and stuff. Laira goes after Hal, seemingly without recognizing him, or maybe just not caring, and he's in pretty tough shape as the "...red liquid spewing from her ring bursts into flame..." It incapacitates his own ring, which is pretty serious, considering they are out in the vacumn of space, when suddenly the flame goes out, and his power levels are restored, nay IMPROVED, with a little help from Ganthet and his newest recruit.

Green Lanterns

Woohoo! It's Saint Walker to the rescue! And I guess we won't be executing Sinestro after all!

This was good loud sloppy fun. Not too cerebral, but a lot of action, and we finally get to see a Blue Lantern. I can hardly wait for the next issue.


At 9:22 AM, Blogger Frank Gillespie said...

"Laira goes after Hal, seemingly without recognizing him, or maybe just not caring" I'm guessing that Laira is in a "blind" rage... I simply can’t believe that her not seeing him is by accident as Geoff Johns is too good of a writer.

At 9:39 AM, Blogger Diamondrock said...

So hey, has this Saint Walker guy showed up before? I'm not as up on old GLC stuff as I am most things... Was he a GL at some point?

At 10:11 AM, Blogger Sea-of-Green said...

And once again Cowgirl proves that she's one of the SMARTEST girlfriends Hal has ever had. ;-)

Oh, Hal, Hal, Hal ...

At 12:28 PM, Blogger Duskdog said...

Ha, and here we were, just discussing the very same subject not long ago! Perhaps Cowgirl is a blogger, and we just don't know who she is?

I'm in love with HateKitty, and I am sure I will be making an icon.

And Saint Walker freaks me out a little because he looks like something out of Silent Hill, but if he can give 200% power to a power ring (wait, should that even be possible?!), I guess he can stay.

I still want the 2814 Blue Lantern to be an Earth woman that we haven't seen before.

At 12:19 AM, Blogger Shana Jean said...

Wow, that cat reminds me of some cats I've actually met. I am so not surprised that there's a hatekitty. And it's so darn cute! Evil, maybe, but adorable!

At 3:22 AM, Blogger MetFanMac said...

Oh, the lolcat possibilities, they are endless...

At 4:13 AM, Blogger Will Staples said...

Ruffles the Rage Kitty! I CAN HAZ UR BLUD NAO KTHNX >:3

@diamondrock: We saw a glimpse Saint Walker in a vision of the future during "Sinestro Corps War", but this is his first "real" appearance.

At 6:34 AM, Blogger SallyP said...

Blind rage probably hits the nail on the head for Laira. She was one of the "Lost" Lanterns afterall, so she still probably blames Hal for some of what happened.

God, I love that Cat. THIS is the sort of thing that happens when you don't change the litter box often enough!

It is possible that Saint Walker showed up in that fabulous two-page spread that Ethan Van Sciver did way back when...in one of the Sinestro Corps war issues. Atrocitus is certainly there, and so is Laira.

Cowgirl IS quite a bit smarter than most of Hal's girlfriends. Which means he'll probably be dumping her any day now.

At 4:09 PM, Blogger notintheface said...

Yield to the power of.... SUPER-HURL!!!

At 9:48 AM, Blogger Christian Zamora said...

I didn't mention it before, but that cute killer cat is definitely my favorite Red Lantern :)

At 7:51 AM, Blogger Eldest said...

what's next? Atrocitus recruiting the rabbit from "Monty Python's Holy Grail"?


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